Our Core Values
At Lighthouse, we have what we call the CORE-4. These four values are at the center of everything we say and do, and how we operate and function. We examine our ministries, areas of growth, and overall impact under the lends of accomplishing one, if not all, of these core values.

We are a loving church.
We want the message we bring, whether that's through song, sermon, lesson, game or any other form of ministry, to change lives. Change does not mean we want people to join the assembly line of the religious factory. A busy church does not mean a mature church, and busyness does not equate to effectiveness. This change can only come through Jesus Christ. We can only be effective when are in tune with the Holy Spirit's leadership. The world doesn’t need us to be a place that points out everything they’re doing wrong.
Lighthouse is not a church demanding the world to change. Lighthouse is a church begging the world to know Christ as Savior. This is how we love. By bringing people who are away from Christ into a relationship with Him. We teach His teachings, the teachings throughout The Bible, without a filter of censorship or fear, but through the filter of the love of the One who came, died, was buried, and rose again so that everyone could have a relationship with Him.
Following what Jesus said in John 13:34-35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Come and love with us.
We are a growing church.
Growth isn't just a number. To effectively grow numerically, Lighthouse is a growing church in the four areas of gratitude, rest, openness, and worship. (G.R.O.W.) 2 Peter 3:18 tells us to, "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." We are a local church and we have a global vision to reach people far from God. A literal lighthouse notifies people they’re near land. It is a landmark that people should rely upon to do what it is meant for. You won’t find a lighthouse inland, but always against the waves. Lighthouse LMBC is a church that isn’t caught in the middle of church culture, but on the edge of the world, safe and open. Here, we celebrate when someone comes to know Christ because we are grateful He chose to use us to play a part in that journey. God wants more for us than we want for ourselves. So its important to us that prioritize rest. Our culture is constantly on the go and this makes its difficult to just stop for a moment and talk to God. At Lighthouse, we believe it is essential in our growth to do this. It is through Him and Him alone we will grow and we are open to his leadership. We worship Him for this not because we're seeking each other's approval, but because we are delighting in God's approval. Come and grow with us.

We are a giving church.
"Ask not what your church can do for you - ask what you can do for your church."
Ok, so that may not be the exact words of the late President John F. Kennedy, but we believe it is apropos to Lighthouse as giving church. In the Old Testament, the children of Israel went through 15 cycles of disobedience to God through 15 different judges, and 420 years of worshipping the wrong gods because they stopped giving - they stopped telling the story of God's grace. Lighthouse will undoubtedly be a church with some consumers, but we earnestly pray to be givers. The Gospel is God’s story and ours to manage. We are stewards of the story that God is telling in the world today. That is a privilege. Moses died on Mt. Nebo looking at the land God promised. Joshua led them into the land God promised Moses. The promise didn’t change. What changed was how it was managed. We do not intend to be a church that misses out on the blessings of God. Giving our heart, our time, and our finances not only are displays of worship and allegiance, but is evidence of what we preach. Jesus told us where our treasure is, the place we most want to be, we will end up being. (Matthew 6:21)
Come and give with us.
We are an obedient church.
To this point, most people look for those core values in any church. We want to be place that is loving, growing and giving. You often hear in one's assessment of a church, they will complement her as being a loving church or a growing church. But a church can be none of those things unless she is obedient. God does not expect perfection. He doesn't expect us to put on a raving performance. He only expects one thing: obedience. Lighthouse is a church that doesn’t guard the building with people who have it figured out. We refuse to become a country club for the hypocritical elite, but strive to be an assembly mirroring the commandments and commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. He tell us to love, we love. He tells us to go, we go. He tell us to give, we give. We are His church, but not by name alone. We are His by our actions. Come and be obedient with us.